mosquito control

how does it work?

Our mosquito barrier treatments focus on the areas of your yard where mosquitoes rest~ typically the shady, damp spots around the outside of your yard. The goal is to create an invisible barrier around your property so that any mosquito that flies into the yard will first land on a treated leaf and die bee-fore it gets to your legs and arms!

Our botanical solutions are derived from the chrysanthemum flower, and are safe for people, pets, and plants once dry.

Distributed by specialized equipment, the spray will cover trees, bushes and spots where mosquitos can be found (this includes bushes around your house and deck, as well as the perimeter of the yard). The entire process is done quickly, and after 1 hour you’re free to go back out and play.

After that? We come back and do it all over again, ensuring that we are working on your schedule and that your yard stays safe all season long.

Because the Charlotte weather can bee so unpredictably rainy in the summer, we offer a flexible 12-treatment package so treatments can bee spaced closer as needed from 18-21 days apart from April-Oct.

Mosquitoes can make or break the time you spend outdoors, whether it be alone, with family or your pets. They’re a pain, but they can also transmit diseases to people and pets alike. At Queen Bee Mosquito Control, the team and I are here to ease that concern, after all, it’s in our name!

With Queen Bee Mosquito Control, you’re getting the real deal. Our team prepares the appropriate solution, visits your yard and sprays leaves, shrubs and more. We also find sneaky spots where mosquitoes may play. With our solution, mosquitoes will land on leaves and other sprayed areas, and begin to die off, effective for up to three weeks after application.

Want to learn a bit more about what the mosquito barrier treatment is? Take a look at the video below, where I answer some of your most asked questions.

Queenie, tell me more!

Ready to take the next step towards having a haven for your family? Give us a buzz, then learn about the best way to prepare for a treatment from Queen Bee Mosquito Control.