Event Sprays

Worry about what your guests are eating, not what’s eating them.

it’s a summer evening.

your grill is hot.

your wine is chilled.

your music fills the air.

The perfect party to celebrate a milestone birthday.

and suddenly your kids are crying about mosquito bites and want to go inside where they will track dirt all over your new rug, your friend’s eyelid done swolled shut from a bite and you’re sending your guests home with tupperwares of your delicious dinner as they run down the driveway to the safety of their cars. Talk about a buzz kill.

children playing a game outside at a party

Protect your party.

We offer one-time event treatments that use a fast-acting spray solution to make sure mosquitoes don’t RSVP to your party. Schedule 1-2 days bee-fore your big event and we’ll treat not only the barrier but the grass as well to eliminate the threat of nuisance bugs around your entire party area.